Thursday, January 20, 2011

Self Review : (Class Activity 2) -Part 2-

Tutorial 2: Shape Tween in Flash


The object to be tweened needs to be on it’s own layer.


The object must not be grouped or converted into a library symbol. If the object has a blue outline around it when selected, it needs to be broken apart in order to be tweened. To do this, click on the object and select Modify > Break Apart.


If you want to use a shape tween to morph text, you will need to break apart the text twice. The first time you select Modify > Break Apart, the text you have typed will be broken apart into individual letters. These letters will have a blue outline around them to indicate that they are grouped individually. To ensure that your shape tween will work, you will need to select Modify > Break Apart a second time.

Let's follow the steps.

1. File > New

2. Draw an object. Example PolyStar tool.

3. Select any frame you want. I choose 25. (The more frames you leave, the longer the polystar will take to tween or morph into our next shape). Insert > Keyframe

4. At this new keyframe, Delete the polystar. Add new shape. Example the Oval Tool.

5. My timeline now contains a polystar in Frames 1-24 and an oval in Frame 25.

6. To create shape tween, select Properties Panel > Tween > Shape.

 7. After that, click the first keyframe > Enter. You can see the polystar will transformed into an oval.

8. To test the movie, go to Control > Test movie or Ctrl + Enter. You can see the polystar transformed into an oval with non-stop. 

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